Avoid Inflicting Pain on Your Love…
When we feel low or in pain, we over focus on what is wrong in our relationship. It’s ironic how easy it is to see how others hurt us, but much more difficult for us to see how we are co-contributors of pain.
When we feel sad, in order to strengthen our relationships and avoid causing more pain, we choose a different reaction than our usual one. Start by checking in with our partners from time to time to see how they are feeling. This is a great way to make them feel upbeat and optimistic too and reduce the possibility of causing unnecessary pain.
Checking in may feel strange, but by doing this we achieve so much:
1) We show our partners how much we really care about them.
2) We can learn how they want to be treated.
3) By asking what they want we model for them how to care about what we want because all relationships are reciprocal and dynamic.
Doesn’t Asking Make us Look Weak?
When we admit we don’t fully understand our partner it shows we really care. Admitting we don’t know something requires us to be vulnerable. By finding out what works for them directly we both hit the nail on the head for them while inspiring them to do the same for us.
I’d like to know what sorts of things you’d like your partner to know about you? Drop me a line: [email protected]
Want to Reignite Your Commitment to Love?
With the holiday of Shavuot coming up, being known as the holiday the Jewish people committed to keeping the laws of the Torah (and for some a massive cheesecake fest), it got me thinking about the way many of us commit to romantic relationships.
As many of you know, when the Torah was offered to the Jewish people, we responded instantly without any hesitancy, “Naaseh, v’Nishma.” We will do and we will hear.”
In other words, we will do as we are told and find out the details later.
Sounds a bit nuts as this wasn’t a small matter to agree to. It begs the question, “What made the Jewish people so agreeable so easily, especially to something so hard? ”
When you think about the relationship between G-d and His people, from the time He performed the plagues…through to parting of the Red Sea and leading them to freedom…helping them survive in the desert by providing manna and water…saving them from various enemies, it actually makes sense.
Was the love between G-d and HIS People Taken for Granted?
G-d displayed an unwavering love towards HIS people. Why would the Jewish people think for a moment that the Torah would be anything but good for them? After all, when people are presented time and again with goodness, this builds feelings of trust. When we trust we feel less of a need to ask questions. We almost take it for granted that things will go smoothly over time.
The interesting thing that happens with romantic relationships is that many of us take a different tack. Particularly once we’ve committed.
When you date you put your best forward and look for the good in the other.
Then, once you’ve committed, you become protective. We all do this. We become scared because it’s suddenly all becoming so real. You start to doubt whether you’ve made the right choice. If your partner doesn’t do what you want the way you want it, you get nervous. You start to think, what have I gotten myself into.
You think, “If they really knew me they would never do…” This is when self-doubt and arguments creep in.
It’s all very natural to get scared and doubt ourselves.
The problem is, when we don’t understand what’s fueling our negative behavior and causing a difficult dynamic in our encounter with our partner. If we don’t catch this early on, it becomes a part of our couple culture.
This is why I recommend to every couple getting ready to commit to do some couples work, right at the start.
By working on your relationship dynamic from the beginning, you’ll be able to learn about your triggers, what ignites and fuels them and how to defuse them and prevent causing a harmful if not deadly explosion.
While this sounds scary, and in some ways it should, the beautiful thing about relationships is that there’s always the opportunity for what Sue Johnson, creator of the Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy method calls “The Repair.”
Even when a couple have had the biggest row you can imagine, when they remember how much they are truly committed to one another and can allow themselves to reach beyond their own pain and see that of their partner, this is when the couple magic occurs.
I’m so privileged to have been blessed to have been part of creating many repairs in my office and even in my own marriage.
The repair is what keeps things from hitting rock bottom completely and ending.
It also keeps the marriage from growing stale. The other wonderful thing about the repair, is that it can happen at any time over the course of a couple relationship.
Ideally this would happen sooner rather than later. And when you feel strongly connected and motivated!
If this is something you can relate to and your relationship needs a bit of a repair, but you can’t quite figure out what’s getting in the way, feel free to drop me a line @ [email protected]. This is one of my specialties!!!
Tending to Your Relationship
I was tending to my garden today and thinking how bad I feel for neglecting it for so long. Many of the plants were in serious need of immediate care as the leaves were dying and flowers were unable to bloom. The cold winter weather sometimes brings me down and I just don’t have it in me to take care of the garden in the way it really needs.
Pruning plants, clearing away dead leaves and aerating the soil feels all too hard when the rain is beating down and it’s so cold outside. It’s also hard to feel motivated to clear away dead leaves day after day, when you know tomorrow a freshly fallen batch will effortlessly re-appear…only requiring me to do the same thing all over again.
It got me thinking that gardening is so much like tending to a relationship. Initially it’s beautiful and we feel motivated to tend to each other. Because it’s new and fresh tending to the relationship early on takes little work.
We talk endlessly in the beginning, send each other texts throughout the day of romantic little memes and pick me ups. It gives each of us a smile along with a boost- like a caffeine injection that motivates us to push through the hard parts of the day.
Continue to read the rest of the article: Tending to Your Relationship by Clicking here: http://theedencenter.com/tending-to-your-relationship/
Why Invest in Relationship Skills Before Finding Love?
No one wants to live with a feeling that disaster can strike at any time. However, we all take precautions to make sure that in the event that something bad does happen, we’re covered for major, albeit unlikely or seldom occurrences. Invest time in learning about who we are and what makes some partners more right for you than others is essential.
Many of us take precautions to make sure that we can live with peace of mind. Those of us with valuables have home and contents insurance, in the event a thief invades our home and takes off with our precious belongings.
Those of us who have a car take it in for a regular service so that it’ll drive more smoothly, so that we feel safe and protected when we’re on the road.
We don’t wait for our teeth to go rotten before seeing a dentist. Therefore, we visit a dental hygienist from time to time.
For some reason, when it comes to general health, even though we may have health insurance, many of us tend to utilize it only once disaster has struck as opposed to taking advantages of its preventative services to keep us as healthy as possible.
Similarly, when it comes to our relationships, many simply rely on fate. They think they should just suffer and face the music when the time comes. For now we love each other, and they hope and pray things will carry on that way.
Given the divorce rate is very nearly 50%, it seems like throwing caution to the wind may be a dangerous way to run our lives. To just hope for the best, rather than take actual preventative measures to ensure our marriage runs as smoothly as possible doesn’t sound like much of an insurance policy.
One of the reasons many people don’t avail themselves of preventative relationship services is a lack of awareness. There are several health prevention programs around, yet still most marriage therapists focus on helping marriages in crises. Few are trained in preventative approaches.
Many read self-help books about how to keep their relationships healthy and think that alone will ward off all gloom and doom in their marriage.
While self-help books can help a lot with encouraging healthy behavior patterns, they do little to help a couple who have, for example, experienced challenging relationships in the past. Moreover, people can have all the information at their fingertips about what they need to do to create a more loving relationship, but applying the information in real time when faced with a partner that looks and sounds like a wild dragon spewing fire out of its nostrils, is another story entirely.
Dr Sue Johnson, an acclaimed expert on love and relationships, says that when we feel triggered by something our partner does, even if their intentions are good, this can make us feel like they are against us. When we feel threatened and our sensors are down and we’re not expecting it, we react badly.
Self-help books don’t give couples awareness about their past and knowledge about how this may influence their future relationship dynamics.
Awareness is Key
The more aware we are of what we bring into a relationship the better able we will be to choose a partner who will trigger us less and with whom we can be our most real and vulnerable selves.
Furthermore, the more aware we are of our past relationship wounds, the more we can heal these and become more reflective as opposed to reactive, the better able we will be to withstand relationship challenges.
Click here to read more:
Book Review: Marry Him: Case for Settling…
Does the idea of Settling for love petrify you? Lori Gottleib knows all too well, as she is a 45 year old single Mom at the time of writing this book. She thoroughly researches what makes women run away from a potentially good man…She makes an excellent case to Marry Mr. Good Enough.
A soundtrack to #MeToo – ‘Toy’ by Netta
While Toy, the female empowerment song is great for helping women feeling stronger. It begs the question, where do men fit in?
Make the Facebook Dating App work for you!
The best dating apps can suggest the best person for you, but if your relationships skills suck you may blow your chances for finding true love…
Make your Relationship Feel more Free?
The more aware Daniel and Rebecca became of their emotions that were fueling their dynamic, the better able they were to calm down and not feel afraid they were losing themselves in this relationship. The more they felt they understood themselves, the better they were able to express what they needed from one another.
They couldn’t always get things exactly the way they wanted it, but at least they felt their partner wanted the best for them, which was even more important.
When we feel we’re in a relationship where our partner has our back, this feeling of safety and security gives us the greatest feeling of FREEDOM!
Should You Stay Together for the Sake of the Kids?
Tammy was torn about what to do. She was married for fifteen years and had three children with her husband, Tom. As a couple, Tammy and her husband had many ups and downs. Getting married young and having made Aliyah on their own shortly before they met, they found comfort in knowing that someone had their back. Early on in their marriage they used to turn to one another during hard times. Once the kids came around and work demands increased along with strains on their budget, they began to share less emotionally. Tom found himself with longer hours at work, needing to unwind before coming home. He knew once he walked through the door, the kids would jump on him and Tammy would expect him to help out.
Tammy became increasingly more resentful as her interior design career took off. She had many challenging clients that expected her to always be available during every building hiccough. This combined with having to tend to the needs of her three demanding children meant that her “me time” was scant and precious. But Tammy never wanted to rock the boat so she suffered in silence.
Slowly the couple began doing things more independently and while the household continued to function, they felt less connected. Neither wanted to talk to the other about how they felt as each feared hurting the other.
(To read more continue here:)
Why Staying Together for the Kids Isn’t Doing Anyone Any Favours