I’ve always been fascinated by the story about the miracle of Chanuka! The tiny army of Maccabees beating Antiochus’ strong and mighty army…the pot of oil lighting up the Menorah for 8 days instead of just one!
Many people ask, why don’t miracles like that happen today? But actually, miracles of all sorts can be found everywhere today too.
If you think about it, the fact that we do things at the speeds we do is nothing short of a miracle. Ordering whatever we want and getting it the next day. Things being broken and fixed in a matter of seconds, being in one country one minute and another the next…these are all miraculous albeit expected events.
If we just stop and think about all of these things that were impossible only 100 years ago and how seemingly natural and commonplace they are for us now, it puts into perspective just how much hope and belief there is for the things that are difficult and seemingly impossible for us to come by.
The miracle of love is no less great than being able to find new medical cures, or fly into space. The only difference between the two, is that we expect romantic love to just happen. Because we witness so many falling in love around us, or we watch it in the movies. We have this expectation that love will just happen or it won’t.
Having experienced this for myself and having helped many others; finding true love is no less miraculous, no matter who you are or your life circumstances. When we take love for granted and expect it to happen, this diminishes the miraculous feeling that comes with love.
What makes miracles so exciting and appealing is the fact that we can’t explain them. They just make little sense to the human mind. But one thing that makes the possibility of a miracle more likely is the passion, desire and belief that something greater than ourselves is guiding the process.
When we want something for a long time and don’t get it, some of us start to lose the hope and belief that it will happen. The thing is we don’t have to go back as far in history as the story of the Maccabees to experience miracles. They happen all around us today too. We just aren’t always as primed to appreciate it as today we have so much expectation about how things should work.
Expectations diminish the flow and possibilities of miracles to occur. Because we expect things to just work, we get disappointed when they don’t. Rather than the other way around.
Top tips to make the miracle of love happen!
1) Believe that you’re worthy of love

The more we feel worthy of love, the more others recognize this too. So we need to make sure our feelings of self worth are alive and well to help this along.
2) Believe that love is possible
When our hope for love has been dashed a few too many times, it’s super hard to believe love is out there. What I tell my clients is that the more you’ve experienced love, the easier it should be to believe in love, because you’ve already had a taste of it. As we hold onto those tastes we’ve had in the past rather than let it hold you back, let it guide you. Learn from what didn’t work and make the next love you let in even better!
3) Believe that everyone you meet is in your path for a reason, whether they are the one or not. Learn from them.
Rather than feeling despondent about meeting yet another person who isn’t for you, instead consider what you may offer one another, how you may help one another. Even if they aren’t in your path for love, see what other things you may learn from them. They may have an interesting hobby, philosophy on life, or just offer you a new perspective on something. Hold onto that and appreciate it.
4) When you meet someone new, don’t size them up. Just allow yourself to appreciate their presence and see what emerges.
5) Look out for the positives in the people we meet and from the well-meaning people who attempt to set you up. When we are positive it inspires others to think kindly of us and makes them want to do good things for us. It’s called positive karma, what goes around comes around.
I’d love to hear about some of the miracles you’ve had in your life so drop me a line: [email protected].   The more we recognize how we’ve been blessed the more blessings seem to come our way.