Embracing Sexual Wellness: A Journey into Sex Therapy
These days, where personal growth and self-care are prioritized, embracing sexual wellness has become an integral part of overall well-being. Whether you’re starting a new relationship or embarking on the “second time around,” seeking support from sex therapy can be transformative.
The Unsung Benefits of Sex Therapy
Many of us are unaware of the genuine necessity for sex therapy. For the most part, we don’t talk about sex openly. Consider the following benefits of sex therapy to break out from that cocoon:
- Improved Communication: The foundation of any successful relationship is effective communication. Couples benefit from sex therapy by learning crucial communication skills that allow them to express their wishes, concerns, and boundaries in a courteous and helpful manner. Couples can improve their emotional connection and intimacy by encouraging open discussion.
- Increased Intimacy:Intimacy transcends the physical environment. Sex therapy allows couples to explore emotional intimacy and strengthen their bond. By addressing underlying emotional blocks and fostering vulnerability, couples can experience a more profound level of closeness and intimacy in their relationship.
- Resolving Sexual Concerns: Sex therapyprovides a specialized approach to addressing sexual concerns such as erectile dysfunction, low libido, or difficulties reaching orgasm. Through personalized strategies, techniques, and exercises, individuals and couples can overcome these challenges and regain sexual confidence and satisfaction.
- Healing Past Traumas:Past traumatic experiences can significantly impact an individual’s sexual well-being. Sex therapy offers a safe environment for individuals to process and heal from these traumas, allowing them to reclaim their sexuality and build healthy relationships based on trust and intimacy.
Seeking Support from Sex Therapy Jerusalem
For those in Jerusalem and surrounding areas, LovingWisely is a leading sex therapy firm that provides professional and compassionate guidance. Our team of experienced sex therapists is dedicated to helping individuals and couples navigate their unique sexual journeys, providing tailored support and evidence-based interventions.
Embracing sexual wellness is a courageous and transformative journey. Sex therapy offers the tools and support necessary to navigate this journey with confidence and understanding. Whether you’re starting anew or rekindling the flame in a long-term relationship, seeking guidance from sex therapy professionals, such as those at LovingWisely, can empower you to embrace your sexuality, enhance intimacy, and experience a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual life. Remember, you deserve to love and be loved wisely, and sex therapy can be a valuable resource on this journey.
Tinder in the Age of Corona…
(This story takes place after the 5th person in Israel was found to have Corona)
Ayelet and Ben both swiped right on Tinder https://tinder.com. After exchanging phone numbers, they had an incredibly long phone conversation. The likes of which are unusual for Ayelet. By the time the conversation was done, she wondered how much more she would learn about him from their first date. Her pre-date conversation length is usually no longer than 10 minutes tops.
She was excited for this date in a way she hadn’t been in the first time since her divorce 2 years ago. Her dates usually sound so dull over the phone. Especially the first time around, when they hadn’t yet met.
Tinder doesn’t offer you much info, so she doesn’t usually have much to go on. Over the phone Ben sounded open and fully invested. She even felt a little flutter in her tummy. Something she hadn’t experienced in years.
They arranged to go out two days after the phone call. By 8 o’clock on Tuesday night she was good to go.
- Babysitter- Check
- Makeup- Check
- Hair- Check
- Awesome outfit- Check
- Great Attitude- Check
At 8:05 Ayelet stepped out of her home to meet up with Ben when she heard a ping from her whatsapp. Instinctively, she checked her phone to discover a new message from Ben.
“Sorry, can’t meet you tonight. My big sister convinced me to stay home because of Corona. Hope I can meet up with you some other time. Bye.”
That’s right…”Ba Bye”, thought Ayelet as she carried along her merry way. Feeling awesome anyway! “At least I don’t have to spend my night with a dim whit,” Ayelet thought as she smiled to herself.
Relationship Take Home Lessons:
- Don’t listen to your sister…If you do, don’t tell your date…Man up…Make your own decisions.
- If someone does drop you suddenly, keep walking and keep smiling!
- Check out this blog for more…https://www.mickilavinpell.co.il/love-in-the-age-of-corona-is-corona-the-new-love-bug/
- Want more tips on dating during the times of Corona check out this article from Vogue https://www.vogue.com/article/coronavirus-dating-social-scene
- For more on Tinder dating warnings:https://www.jpost.com/OMG/Dating-app-Tinder-warns-users-to-take-precautions-against-coronavirus-620134
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